24-hours-Mandarava-Practice 17th March
March 17 @ 00:00 – 23:59 UTC+0

Dear Vajra Family,
Rinpoche’s health is slowly getting better. Even though we know He will recover soon, most of us would like to dedicate our practice to Him. The best way is to do Guruyoga as much as possible, to be more present and to work with circumstances. We can dedicate any kind of practice we do and we can also practice together to empower our actions.
We have a Precious Master, Precious Teachings and Powerful Methods!
Practice # 1: GURUYOGA daily, as much as possible.
A few months ago, in Dzamling Gar Rinpoche said the best practice for His health is to do Guruyoga. We have to remember that, and to be Present – it is very important for us as practitioners. If we really want to look after Rinpoche, we have to listen to Him. When we do Guruyoga, we are Present, we keep our Samaya pure, then all the practices we apply can really work.
Practice # 2: Mandarava and Ganapuja practice
Mandarava global chain 24 hours from 17th March 0:00h to 24:00 (GMT+0)
Ganapuja of Jigme Lingpa with Vajrasattva global chain 24 hours from 24th March 0:00h to 24:00 (GMT+0)
Mandarava global chain 12 hours from 31st March 0:00h to 12:00h (GMT+0)
Mandarava Ganapuja – webcast practice- 31st March at 10:00h (GMT-5) from Tsegyalgar East.
Do you want to participate in the next Global Chain practices?
1. Register by filling out the following questionnaire below.
(Please, when you register choose your time of practice in GMT+0)
2. We start with the Short Mandarava practice as we usually do. In order to not break the chain, it is necessary to start at least 15 minutes before the established starting time. Then, when we arrive to the Essential Mantras section, we start properly with our recitation for a full 65 minutes.
We do the recitation of the Essential Mantra of Mandarava for 25 minutes, then we recite the Essential Mantra of All Dakinis for 40 minutes.
Please, start on time and finish your recitation 5 mins later, so your cover the hour that will be the overlap between time slots.
Then, finish your Short Mandarava practice as usual.
We hope we can all together unify & strengthten our energies by applying together these wonderful practices.
Long life to our Master!!!